

link 9.04.2016 13:30 
Subject: Prescribing information, statutory defence UK юр. gen.
The medicine is likely to affect your ability to drive.
Do not drive until you know how the medicine affects you.
It is an offence to drive while you have this medicine in your body over a
specified limit unless you have a defence (called the ‘statutory defence’).
This defence applies when:
The medicine has been prescribed to treat a medical or dental problem;
You have taken it according to the instructions given by the prescriber
and in the information provided with the medicine.
Please note that it is still an offence to drive if you are unfit because of the
medicine (i.e. your ability to drive is being affected).”

интересует statutory defence - как лучше назвать - обстоятельством, освобождающим от ответственности, оправдательный аргумент?


link 9.04.2016 18:19 
законное оправдание/оправдывающее обстоятельство/уважительная причина


link 11.04.2016 19:28 
A 'statutory defence' = a circumstance which, in the eyes of the law, justifies or partly justifies your doing something which would otherwise be illegal.


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