

link 5.10.2013 8:50 
Subject: Театральное оборудование theatre.
Добрый день, коллеги,

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как лучше обозвать «show relay system» на русском, которое в английском встречается в следующем театрально-сценическом контексте:

A simple paging, messaging and show relay system shall be provided, covering the green room, which is adjacent to the Auditorium; this shall be via two ‘slave’ LCD monitors located in the green room.

Что это за система мне известно, это a network of speakers carrying the sound of the show, and sometimes stage managers calls, to the furthest reaches of the theatre.

Спасибо всем большое заранее


link 5.10.2013 11:55 
Hope this helps:

Another issue that becomes the responsibility of the sound designer is the ubiquitous show relay or dressing room system. As the name implies, the dressing room system is a feed, usually from the mixing desk, that is delivered to a separate system of loudspeakers located backstage. The purpose of such a system is to provide backstage areas, offstage areas, technical booths, and various other locations with an audio representation of the show in order to provide actors and crew with aural cues— in other words, it tells actors at what point the show is, and thus they know how much longer they can chat with their agent on the telephone before they are needed onstage.

Some show relay systems are fed a single feed off a microphone located somewhere in the house, usually on the balcony rail. In this fashion the sound operator is less responsible for what is fed to the show relay system than if the show relay system is fed off the mixing desk.

The system is generally used with a paging amplifier, a special type of amplifier that provides a constant voltage at the loudspeaker outputs (a conventional power amplifier varies the voltage). In the United States, paging amplifiers run at 70.7V, while in Europe, they are run at 100V. Each loudspeaker on the chain is equipped with a transformer to step-down the voltage to a voltage more suitable for a loudspeaker. While sound quality suffers with the use of the transformer, the system is practical in that many loudspeakers can be fed from one amplifier output, and sound levels of the system do not change as loudspeakers are added or removed from the system. In addition, since it is a low-current system, smaller-diameter wire (18AWG or even 20AWG) can be utilized in cabling, obviating the heavy, annoying 12AWG bundles. Some venues already have such systems in-built, and simply require patching in the audio feed and turning on the system; in some cases the existing system may require augmentation using ancillary equipment.

The show relay system is also used to distribute backstage announcements. The stage manager and various other key persons (the door man, the assistant stage managers) usually have a hardwired microphone tied into the backstage show relay system to provide cast calls and announce visitors. Since paging and show relay systems are, in this writer's opinion, part of the intercommunication systems of a sound design, they will not be covered any further.


link 5.10.2013 17:10 

Your info's extremely useful, but my problem is not in understanding the system, but finding a proper, preferrably short definition to describe it in Russian

Thanks a lot for for making my work easier


link 5.10.2013 18:07 
поищите информацию на сайтах российских театров, ну или на специализированных ресурсах типа...



link 5.10.2013 19:48 
Спасибо, Aiduza!!!


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