

link 2.07.2009 4:58 
Subject: внутренняя сосредоточенность
Её искусство было отмечено искренностью, задушевностью, большой внутренней сосредоточенностью.

Her art of singing were marked with sincerity, heartiness and enormous inner concentration??

спасибо заранее!


link 2.07.2009 5:06 
щас Феликс родит)


link 2.07.2009 5:10 
тьфу ты) и точно was...


link 2.07.2009 5:13 
Her performance was marked with candor/sincerity, soulfulness and a a high degree of inner intensity.


link 2.07.2009 5:15 
спасибо большое!


link 2.07.2009 7:12 
inner intensity? hmmm... no.

I might actually say introversion if they are talking about how her performance was like a refelction of her internal self.

искренностью = candour
задушевностью = soulfulness
большой внутренней сосредоточенностью = a high degree of introversion


link 2.07.2009 7:16 
absolutely wrong, Susan. It goes to show that u don't understand your own language:) shame on u ((((
[uncountable] the quality of being serious and having very strong feelings or opinions: He spoke with great intensity.
a high degree of emotional excitement; depth of feeling: The poem lacked intensity and left me unmoved.
introversion - это замкнутость в себе.
Psychology. a. the act of directing one's interest inward or to things within the self.


link 2.07.2009 7:17 
2 Susan
"a high degree of introversion" won't it bear some negative meaning in terms of psychology.


link 2.07.2009 7:20 
introversion could also work here. shows you dont know the full extent of how to use the word. that is why i said "if they are talking about how her performance was like a refelction of her internal self"
I dont agree with the use of intesity here, but that does not mean that I do not know what it means. I am fully aware of what it means. and "inner intensity" - that's garbage.

intorversion is not negative


link 2.07.2009 7:21 
Конечно, можно было бы по идее употребить что-то типа focus of strength, но для артиста мне кажется наиболее подходящее слово именно intensity. Кста, я долго искал соответствие в русском языке, когда раз за разом в английской оригинальной лит-ре сталкивался с этим словом в описании личных черт или качеств людей.


link 2.07.2009 7:22 
Не зря я тебя в свое время гнобил V:)


link 2.07.2009 7:22 
but "inner intensity"? excuse me, but тфу!


link 2.07.2009 7:23 
treat me with as much contempt as you like. you got a post back in the same style your attack came in. deal with it.


link 2.07.2009 7:24 
I won't have to cause your comeback has no strengh behind it.
For all his inner intensity, though, he possesses endless stores of friendship, good humor and charm.


link 2.07.2009 7:25 
2 Susan
guess, i was preparing my comment simultaneously with %&$. so didn't read it until now.

well thank you. i assume if this can be used for emphasizing it is a proper word.


link 2.07.2009 7:27 
Yes, you can find it, but it is crap. The phrase is crap. The fact that more than one person in the world has thought to say it does not mean it is good. I dont disagree that it can be found. I disagree with it in general. It is trash.

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 7:30 
Интроверсия и внутренняя сосредоточенность (читай концентрация) - это две большие разницы.


link 2.07.2009 7:31 
depends what you are concentrating on.

asker: consider "intense concentration"


link 2.07.2009 7:32 


link 2.07.2009 7:33 
Inner development: seven lectures : Rotterdam, 15-22 August, 1938 - Google Books Result
by Valentin Tomberg, Richard Bioedon, Patricia ... - 1992 - Religion - 115 pages
This is achieved when one's ordinary consciousness attains a distinctness, a clarity and inner intensity of concentration, to such a degree that visionary ...

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 7:35 
Еще раз. Уточняю. _В контексте аскера_ интроверсия и внутренняя сосредоточенность (читай концентрация) - это две большие разницы.


link 2.07.2009 7:36 

like i said, "inner intensity" is garbage. It's the kind of thing any good editor would work intensely to get rid of in this world. It is a lame duck of a phrase. It actually doesnt say a damned thing when it comes down to it. Come off it. The phrase is bad. YES, it exists. YES, it is a lame phrase. It is also pompous and sounds like the person saying has done too much pot and spent too much time talking to pseudo-gurus.
I accept the use of the term when we are talking about atoms and nuclei and the like, but not about a performance and not about concentration.


link 2.07.2009 7:36 
I repeat, asker: consider "intense concentration".

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 7:38 
>>has done too much pot >>


link 2.07.2009 7:42 
It's u that come across like a person who has spent a life-time of doing dope:) Be my guest, expose your stupidity to any way you like. U r out of it, completely. :)


link 2.07.2009 7:43 

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 7:45 
Жжоте оба. Нереально.


link 2.07.2009 7:46 
**hahahahahah! **
an idiot's laughign at herself


link 2.07.2009 7:55 

I am laughing at you.


link 2.07.2009 8:16 
He laughs best who laughs last.:) Not SHE)))


link 2.07.2009 8:22 
keep on

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 8:22 
Way to go, both of you.


link 2.07.2009 8:23 
that was a lame attempt


link 2.07.2009 8:26 
Supa Traslata
make it plain what u mean

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 8:29 
Мне можно по-русски.


link 2.07.2009 8:30 

 Supa Traslata

link 2.07.2009 8:36 


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