

link 13.05.2009 1:01 
Subject: вопрос по грамматике и и
Подскажите пожалуйста какое время влепить и подойдёт ли "discussed" for "прошел публичное обсуждение" .

"По словам представителя Минпромторга, технический регламент, который готовился три года, уже прошел публичное обсуждение."

According to the representative of MITRF, the technical regulations that HAD BEEN developing, was(has) already been discussed.?

Заранее спасибо!

 Ашот Степанян

link 13.05.2009 4:59 
... the technical regulations/specifications that was under elaboration for already three years, has been subjected to public/open review/discussion...


link 13.05.2009 5:01 
спасибо! это очень хороший вариант.


link 13.05.2009 7:39 
According to the MITRF representative the technical regulations that took three years to complete has now been discussed publicly (publicly discussed).


link 13.05.2009 7:46 
According to/as stated by a representative of the Ministry of Industrial Trade the technical regulations have already passed/sailed through public review/discussion following three years of drafting/preparation.
A representative of the Ministry of Industrial Trade was cited/quoted as saying that regulations had/have already passed/sailed through public review/discussion after they had been drafted for three years.


link 13.05.2009 7:48 
According to a M. rep. the technical reg. which had been in the works for three years have already passed the stage of public discussion (hearings?).


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