

link 19.12.2008 10:14 
Subject: adopt an opinion
Подскажите, пож-та, как можно перевести фразу "adopt an opinion"?


Many of the MPLs were established some time ago, and have not been revised in the light of current experience and scientific evidence. Following the ban on blending down, the European Food Safety Authority's CONTAM panel was asked to undertake a continuing review of these levels, and has since ***adopted a number of opinions*** setting out the latest evidence and (where appropriate) making suggestions for further action. It is then up to the Commission to consider adopting the opinions as formal proposals to amend existing MPLs and put them to a vote at the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.



link 19.12.2008 10:22 
принять во внимание мнение


link 19.12.2008 10:24 
GinAngel, большое спасибо.


link 19.12.2008 10:49 
приняли (в значении "выпустили, издали, опубликовали") ряд (экспертных) заключений


link 19.12.2008 11:34 
Nephew, большое спасибо.


link 24.05.2010 10:29 
Мне кажется, лучше будет "утвердили ряд (экспертных) заключений".


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