

link 4.07.2008 8:36 
Subject: Netting, posting and offsetting account.
Уважаемые камрады, подскажите пожалуйста, насколько корректно я уловил значение следующих САП-овских терминов (это тестовый перевод, который я уже отправил, но, поскольку контора комментировать его не будет, мне интересно для себя):

Netting consists of two areas:
1. Posting payables or receivables
2. Offsetting payables or receivables.

мой вариант:

Существует два вида взаимозачета:
1. Контировка кредиторской и дебиторской задолженности.
2. Регулирование кредиторской и дебиторской задолженности.

Спасибо заранее!

(Полный контекст:
Posting Payables or Receivables
If netting has been agreed on (by the exchange partners), the system posts the receivables to the exchange partner customer account during the creation of a billing document which is the result of an order. The receivables posted to the exchange partner are then blocked for collection.
If a goods receipt has taken place, the system posts the payables to the exchange partner customer account during invoice verification. The payables are blocked for payment.

Offsetting Payables and Receivables
When netting has been selected, the system creates a link between the customer and the vendor accounts for a specific exchange partner. The items relevant to netting are offset in these accounts. The difference is then a single item, which is then charged to the exchange partner or which has to be paid to the exchange partner.)


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