

link 8.02.2008 1:18 
Subject: weld ground
Трубопроводная арматура. Крышка к корпусу крепится сваркой или болтами. В разделе "Сварка" - одна-единственная строчка:

During any weld operations never use the yoke, handwheel or stem for a weld ground.

weld ground - сварочная площадка, т.е. место, на котором выполняется сварка?
Просто непонятно, при чем здесь, например, шток, если варится крышка к корпусу? Или, может, имеются в виду какие-то другие сварочные работы? Непонятно тогда, с какого боку здесь про них?

Или weld ground - это что-то другое?


link 8.02.2008 1:57 
заземление свариваемого узла

In arc welding, an arc is established from the electrode to the workpiece. To do this properly, the arc requires a smooth flow of electricity through the complete electrical circuit, with minimum resistance. If you crimp a garden hose while watering the lawn, the flow at the sprinkler head is much reduced. Beginning welders often make the mistake of attaching the work clamp (or electrical ground) to a painted panel or a rusty surface. Both of these surfaces are electrical insulators and do not allow the welding current to flow properly. The resulting welding arc will be difficult to establish and not very stable. Other telltale signs of an improper electrical connection are a work clamp that is hot to the touch or cables that generate heat. Another key point to consider when attaching the welding ground is to place the welding ground on the piece being welded. Welding current will seek the path of least resistance so if care is not taken to place the welding ground close to the arc, the welding current may find a path unknown to the operator and destroy components unintended to be in the welding circuit.


link 8.02.2008 12:03 
Большое спасибо!


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