

link 16.02.2005 8:39 
Subject: prickishness
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

Слово встречается в следующем контексте: And loosing your prickishness is not such a bad thing

Заранее спасибопасибо


link 16.02.2005 8:42 
prickishness is the quality of being a prick. i guess i dont need to tell u what prick means.:)))


link 16.02.2005 14:32 
Tal, I think prikishness here means the quality of being sharp and caustic rather than being a cock :-))


link 16.02.2005 19:59 
2 talgat: hear kondorsky.


link 17.02.2005 3:54 
to be a prick basicly means to be an asshole, which canvasses sharp, caustic and a host of other epithets i dont care to name. it doesnt mean literally penis. it is figurative. i would say, the russian word mudak comes close to what prick means in english. tal'


link 17.02.2005 8:53 
Tal, are you saying the the only meaning of prickishness is the quality of being a prick i.e. that the work prikishness is positively derogating?


link 17.02.2005 11:38 
2 KatRin
Just consider this: maybe it's a typo? Maybe the poor sod just meant "prickly", rather than "prickish"?


link 17.02.2005 13:03 
думаю, что это фраза из личной переписки, и что какой-то девушке советуют перестать быть такой язвой/придирой.


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