

link 5.10.2007 8:29 
Subject: voluntary deposits (экология?)
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само выражение - в последней строке.

Municipal waste according to the definition in the OECD/Eurostat questionnaire on waste includes household and similar wastes:

The definition also includes:

- bulky waste (e.g. white goods, old furniture, mattresses); and

- garden waste, leaves, grass clippings, street sweepings, the content of litter containers, and market cleansing waste, if managed as waste.

It includes waste originating from:

- households,

- Commerce and trade, small businesses, office buildings and institutions (schools, hospitals, government buildings).

It also includes:

- waste from selected municipal services, i.e. waste from park and garden maintenance, waste from street cleaning services (street sweepings, the content of litter containers, market cleansing waste), if managed as waste.

It includes collected waste from these sources:

- door-to-door through traditional collection (mixed household waste), and

- fractions collected separately for recovery operations (through door-to-door collection and/or through voluntary deposits).


link 5.10.2007 8:36 
"A voluntary deposit refund system"
is meant here?


link 5.10.2007 8:36 
through voluntary deposits - путем сознательной и добровольной сортировки мусора по контейнерам


link 5.10.2007 8:41 


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