

link 20.07.2007 19:34 
Subject: whatever
Встретила вот такое предложение в одном учебнике по английскому языку:

Third, contrary to traditional system which makes age groupes, home schooling permits children to make friends with people whome they share common interests, whatever their age.

Мне кажется, что в конце не хватает глагола "to be". "...whatever their age is".

Как вы считаете?


link 20.07.2007 19:36 
приведённый вариант вполне возможен


link 21.07.2007 1:36 
The sentence has another grammar mistake and a spelling mistake in it, but as far as "whatever," I think the sentence is correct.


link 21.07.2007 14:58 
Thank you. Spelling mistake is "whome" (I mistyped that word). As for another grammar mistake, what is it?


link 23.07.2007 18:40 
There is another "with" missing. It should be "... home schooling permits children to make friends with people whom they share common interests WITH...."

Or, if you don't like multiple WITHs, then you could rewrite the sentence like so:

"... home schooling permits children to befriend people with whom they share common interests...."


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