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Terms for subject Road works (47 entries)
purchased on a weight basis 按重量采购
racing track 汽车赛道
rapid rate of curvature 急剧的曲率变化
ravelled spot
recurrent snow and ice 反复冻融的冰雪
refinery procedure 提炼程序
refinery procedure 精制规程
screeding board 样板
slick condition 滑溜状态
spray material in windrows 把粒料摊成长堆
stratification within the layer 副层理
thumb rule 经验法则〔方法〕
thumb rule 凭感觉〔眼力〕的试验法
thumb rule 计算中的近似法
traffic circus 环形交叉
traffic circus 环形交通枢纽
undisturbed strength 原状试件强度
undisturbed strength 未扰动试件强度
windrow sizer 料堆断面整理机
wobbled wheel roller 摆动式轮胎压路机