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Terms for subject Stationery (37 entries)
photocopier 复印机
projector 投影仪
pushpin 图钉
Roll the dice, throw the dart at the wall map, and see where fate lands you 扔骰子吧,对准墙上的挂图扔飞镖,看看命运在何处光临你
ruler 格尺
She takes some crayons to draw a little dog on the paper 她拿了一些蜡笔在纸上画了只小狗
stapler 订书器
The filing cabinet was much more orderly and effective 档案橱柜不仅使摆放更为整齐,还提高了效率
The map in the atlas itself indicated that significant portions of Greenland's coastline had become ice-free 地图集里的地图表明,格陵兰岛绝大部分的海岸线都已经成为不冻区
The students study geography with the help of the globe 学生们利用地球仪学习地理
The teacher knocked on the blackboard to catch our attention 老师敲了敲黑板以引起我们的注意
There is a huge range of desk accessories in modern office life, but for sure you haven't seen before desk accessories from concrete 尽管办公用品花样繁多,但你肯定没见过用水泥做的办公套件
This ruler has only one scale in centimeters 这把尺只有厘米刻度
wall map 挂图
You can achieve a free passport with personal business cards or related proofs 凭个人名片或相关证明获取免费入场证
You must ink over your signature. Pencil writing is not allowed 你必须把签名用墨水描一下。铅笔书写是不允许的